des d'una perspectiva històrica i transversal estudiem, analitzem i relacionem els fenòmens de l’ art, el disseny,
l'arquitectura, l’artesania i la imatge amb els esdeveniments contemporanis de la cultura,
el context econòmic, social i polític dels últims 40 anys; això vol dir que "cavalquem sobre lo tigre..."

dimecres, 21 de desembre del 2011

DEFINIR DISSENY (laura ginès)

"Design is the synthesis of form and content"
Paul Rand

(< imatge del llibre Paul Rand: Conversations with students)

"Design is thinking made visual"
Saul Bass

Entrevista a Charles Eames
Q: What is your definition of design?
A:  A plan for arranging elements in such a way as to best accomplish a particular purpose.
Q: What are the boundaries of design?
A: What are the boundaries of problems?
Q:  Does the creation of design admit constraint?
A:  Design depends largely on constraints.
Q:  What constraints?
A:  The sum of all constraints. Here is one of the few effective keys to the design problem: the ability of the designer to recognize as many of the constraints as possible (and) his willingness and enthusiasm  for working within these constraints—the constraints of price, size, strength, balance, surface, time, etc.; each problem has its own peculiar list.
Q:  To whom does design address itself: to the greatest number (the masses)? The specialists…the enlightened amateur…a privileged social class?
A:  To the need.

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